
Merry Christmas

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Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Hard Weekend

Ryleigh had lots planned for this weekend!

First she had to call a few people!

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Then she got right on her chores. First and foremost helping Mom with the laundry!

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Then she had to get her hair done!

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After that right back to the cell phone call her Meme and tell her about her weekend!

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Hey Chels We hope you have a great day today! Happy 13th we love you bunches!

Orcutt Family


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This last week has been a tuff one on us! Ryleigh started feeling bad last Sunday, she has a bad cough and runny nose and you can just tell she is not feeling good. We took her to the Doc and her gave her some meds and they turn my sweet little daughter into a zombie! She walks around like she is sleep walking! Marissa and I have both caught it now and we are doing everything we can to keep Ryleigh from catching it and again! Anyway, pray for us all to feel better! While you are praying everybody at work has been sick also, a different kind of sick! So pray for them and their families too!



Let me tell you a little bit about my family. I grew up in the same town as my cousins, and we were more like brothers then cousins. After college we all got scattered all over the US. My sister JoAnne (by the way that is where Ryleigh's middle name came from) moved to the Vancouver Washington area with her family. My brother Luke decided he would like to live out there for a while also and moved out there with my sister for about a year with his girlfriend Anna. My older cousin Joe and his wife Sarah moved to Boston for a year and are currently living in the Ft. Worth area. My cousin Josh is in Stillwater with his sister Jessica my youngest cousin, where Luke is also currently living and going to school with Anna and one of my cousin from my mom's side Timmy (I think he likes to be called Tim now). Anyway to make a long stry short, or at least shorter, my point is that we don't get together very often anymore! But last weekend most of us got together at my mom's place near Tulsa. It was a great time we played games, talked about the old times and some of the stupid things that we had done as kids (I am not going to mention the field fire or catching the building behind my parents house on fire) some of us where pyros but I am not going to name any names! It was great fun! I can't imagine life without my family. I just wish we could get together a little more often!