
Wrote by Trooper Michael Eckhardt when he was still at the APD! **Language warning**

This was wrote by Michael Eckhardt on his myspace back when he was still working at the APD. Still true today and is exactly how I feel! Thanks for speaking your mind Mike!

I would really like some feedback on this from everyone if I could. I have noticed recently that due to the local police doing their jobs, people are getting pissed off. There are numerous websites that say there are former law enforcement officers who say legalize all drugs (prove they were really cops,the sites are not from a credible source) stop prohibition, and there are even some who say that the local law enforcement violates peoples rights here locally, and that we are picking on them. They say that there is no victims to drug use, that the ending of prohibition is what will save our nation, and so on. First I would like to say that the argument on prohibition ending would relinquish power from drug lords and dealers to the governments hands would control who is able to get/use the drugs, and keep them out of youngsters hands. First example on this line of BS. PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION. How on earth (if marijuana, meth, cocaine, and so on is legalized if prescription meds, alcohol, and tobacco is a problem with all ages), does one presume that they can control newly legalized things. Oh I know make the laws stricter. NO. Then everyone will bitch about the laws on it being too strict, and that it is now their freedom to use it however they want and at whatever age they want. When people bitch about the legalization of narcotics, they only look at the one side, and that is the side that benefits whatever they want. And as I learned a long time ago, if you want a valid and solid argument, you have to look at both sides. But there are even older people who are still to immature to understand this. I understand they think that it is a victimless crime, and that if they want to get high, that it is their perrogitave. Thats fine and all, but what do you see in most poverty stricken homes, or better yet, WHY they are poor, or they have lost their kids, or their kids have no electricity, no clean clothes, and their teeth are rotted? A majority of the time the parents are addicted to drugs, and their children come second, or not at all, to their chemical dependancy. That is the victim....society, chidren, people who want a safe neighborhood. Drugs are statistically shown to raise crime rates, is associted with guns, rape and so on. Look at alcohol, after prohibition ended, did it really fix anything? look how many deaths there are each year from alcohol related incidents.....now add narcotics to that. It is scary. Also people think there are no hard criminals in Alva. There are. A lot of people simply don't know everything that goes on. They would have to take the time to put down the pipe, and get out into the real world. Work, and be productive people.

My next gripe is simple......why do people think that it is the law enforcement that makes drugs illegal. Evidently their brainis too fucking fried to understand that police enforce the laws, not make them. If they want crap to change, don't accuse the police of being corrupt because your dumass got caught and you don't want to blame yourself, and it is just easier to blame the police. Change the laws by talking to our lawmakers. Once again, police don't make the laws. Police are not perfect either. Thats all I see hear about is that "yeah that dumass cop locked his keys in his car" or " did you see that Officer Joe got into a car wreck, hes supposed to be the one who is making our streets safe". Police are people too. Every human makes mistakes. How many times have you or a close friend locked themselves out of their car? Its because your human. You never hear about the Officer that solved someones problem, or worked an auto accident. Who else would do it? What about the Officer that found your runaway child? What about the one that simply listened to your problem and seemed genuinely concerned? How often fo you hear that? NEVER. Its because people would rather bitch than be thankful for what they do have.

On my final note, if you want to do drugs, fine. Just dont bitch if you get caught. It was your own dumass that got you into the mess, get yourself out. Dont look for anyone to blame but yourself. I am not going to argue that yes there are bad cops out there. ONes that kill, steal, rape and so on......but before calling someone a bad cop, get proof, 9 times out of 10 your going to deal with a good person who is just doing their job.


A job well done

First of all let me start by saying that being a Police Officer is at most time not a very rewarding job. This last week a person had some guns stolen and thru good police work done by several agency the guns have been found and there are people behind bars. It feels really good when things finally work out for the good guys! There are so many times that stolen things are never recovered and the people are never caught and it begins to get you down. You begin to suspect everyone and forget that there are still good people out there. I feel very rewarded this week because of a job well done! I am proud of those who helped, you know who you are!!