
Ice Cream

Sunday we took Ryleigh to the pool, I'm not sure what happened to my little girl. She doesn't like to go swimming any more. It took her about an hour before she would do anything in the water and then it was just splash a little. She was in the baby pool, so she could stand up just fine, she just didn't want to leave our sides. After swimming we decided to go get some ice cream. Of course if you ask her what kind she wants she'll tell you she wants chocolate. She ate all of the chocolate off of the outside before eating the ice cream. :)

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  1. She gets her chocolate affection from her MeMe! (ever seen Mom without a bag of M&M's or a stack of candy bars of some sort 'hidden' in her kitchen drawer?)

  2. yeah, she helped meme eat her hot fudge sundae with choc. almond ice cream last time we saw them. :)

  3. What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
