
Growing Up!!

Ok so lately I have been feeling extremely old, I know that some you, my readers are older then me and are thinking what is this kids problem he is still in his prime I would love to be 25 again! I know that, God willing, this is just the start of a long life, but the other day I hurt my knee, twisted it during defensive tactics, then twisted it again stepping into a pothole, and it has been giving me problems ever since (making me feel old and helpless) I could use all your prayers for healing! Then I go home (Gage) and all the kids that were in school when I was have graduated and moved away, I see these kids running around with Senior 2010 letter jackets. Ugh has it really been that long! Coming up on 8 years since I graduated. Not only that but now the kids that I taught in my youth group are starting college! BTW World looking out here comes a good group of kids! Its just got me down! On the other hand Marissa and I have been blessed with a beautiful little girl and a boy on the way! I guess I need to be grown up for their sakes! BUT LISTEN I will NEVER give up my cartoons!!

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