
It was Joe's IDEA!

Time for another OLD memory! Growing up in Gage was lots of fun, what made it even more fun? Both my cousins Joe and Josh were stuck in the small town too! On day Joe and I get this bright idea, (was it my idea or yours Joe) that we are going to set this log on fire with a book of matches (I don't recall how we got our hands on those either). We would light a match and set it on top of the log. Using the lit match we would light other matches! It was a GREAT plan, well except for one small detail. The log was behind a really old wood building in my back yard and the log was surrounded by tall dead dry grass. We tried to put the fire out, we really did, but then ended up running and trying to come up with a story that would keep us from getting beat! The only thing I can remember coming up with was; It was Joe's IDEA! Well our parents got the fire out, and Dad tore down that old building not to long after that! But Joe and I have been known as the family Arsons ever sense (Joe don't say a word about Hallett!)


  1. Hmmm. I never knew about that one. U were quite the little fire bug-I could mention the Hallett 'fire' but I won't. ;)

  2. it seems like you always tried to blame that Hallet thing on someone else too. what I remember was us two being beat by our moms in your backyard while our dads put out the fire.

  3. Hey if you will remember I never did anything wrong, it was always somebody elses fault!! I was the angel of the family!! LOL

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