
I am beginning to love mornings!

Those of you who know me know that I am NOT a morning person, which is one of the reasons I choose law enforcement as a career NO 8-5 desk job! Anyway this morning after Marissa had shaken me, pounced on me, and yelled at me to get out of bed, she went back into the bathroom and I, very quietly, got up and went into Ryleigh's room. At first I was just going to watch my little angle sleep but I couldn't resist! I reached down picked her up and ran back to my bed. I laid down with her right beside me. Ryleigh popped her little head up looked around shrugged her shoulders and said, "momma", closed her beautiful dark eyes and snuggled up against her dad! She threw her arm around my neck and played with my hair until she went back to sleep! Man, I am beginning to LOVE mornings!

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