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Seems like these days there is a ton of money out there, but it all seems just out of my reach! I know God has called me in to law enforcement (His reasoning I am still unsure of), so that is where I need to be. But it is really easy to be discouraged when you look at your future and you see small salaries! I want to provide for my family, but I qam also extremely tired of having to work more then one full time job to make ends meet! If there are any millionaires out there who just think that they have to much money and need to give some away give to the Orcutt family Charity and we will make sure it is put to good use!


Life in Fast Forward

Recently with everything that has been going on I feel like my life has been switched from normal play to fast forward! Let me know if I am wrong, but don't most of us spend the better part of our Jr. High and High School years praying that God would hurry and let us get out on our own. I miss that feeling. The feeling that life is in slow motion! Now things are going by so fast if I blink I may miss somthing. It seems like just yesterday that I was meeting my beautiful wife for the first time and falling in love! Nex thing you know I have a 16 month old baby girl! Next week I will be tunring 25, now to some of you I know that isn't old, but to me it is. I can remember when I thought a guy 25 was over the hill! Now I am praying for strength to get up the hill! I know I am just ranting, but that is what this is for! My sister came and visited us for a little over a week, didn't seem that long and she was gone! 25 WOW.....no big deal bring on 26!


Rough week

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Ben and Ryleigh have had a bit of a rough week this week. Ryleigh didn't want her momma to leave her at Miss Erica's Tuesday after we got to spend so much time together. I was off of work for almost a week for my wisdom teeth, then we had a long weekend.... It was nice to spend so much time with my baby girl and it was nice to know that she enjoyed the time as well. Ben went to the dr. Monday to find out that he had a severe respiratory infection and a severe sinus infection and was lucky that it hadn't gotten worse than that. He then went back to the dr. on Wednesday because his legs were hurting terribly and his feet would no numb or fall asleep for no reason. The dr. says he has siatica and Ben is waiting to go to the chiropractor this afternoon to see if that will help. Hopefully all will be better soon.



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If you've been around Ryleigh lately, you know that she likes to show you what she has been learning, including where her teeth are (and yours too!). She likes to point and name things. Just watch out for your eye, she likes to poke out your eyeball!!! :)


Officers Poem

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My Mother-in-law sent this to me and I want to share it with everybody!

The Job I Do

Author: Adaptation of a poem by Officer Jody Spurgeon

You can't understand the job I do.
So what's different, you ask, of me than you?
You see the beauty of life each day
and take for granted the part I play.

You can go home and leave your troubles behind,
but I am who I am, no matter the time.
To carry a gun and not to abuse it,
and praying to God I won't have to use it.

Everyday to be willing to risk my life,
wondering again if I'll see my children and my wife.
In Blue or Brown I'm still easy to see
so there's really never a safe place to be.

When you see danger, you can run and hide,
but I have ethics to which I must abide.
To go to work knowing this could be the day
when some crazed lunatic might blow me away.

To care the injured, to deal with the dead,
is always the part I truly dread.
So what's the difference you ask of you than me?
I am willing to give my life for you...

Will you give yours for me?


Sorry it has been so long since my last pos, but my access to a computer has been limited throughout the last month. Anyway Just an update on our lives; Marissa had her wisdom teeth removed last Friday and she is still not doing very well! She can't lift anything (including our over active Boogerbear who just can't understand why Mom won't hold her) and still hasn't made it back to work. Please pray for her and for her healing. My sister flew in from Battleground Washington Monday, and boy are her arms tired! (Just had to share a bit of my cheesy humor with you this morning) Marissa and I are planning to go to my grandparents this week to see my sister and the rest of our family! It will be a fun trip! Marissa and I are both looking forward to get our hands on some of that stromboli! Christmas went well, can't imagine how if could be any better! We got to spend Christmas day with my brother, his girlfriend, my Grandma and Jody, and my parents. Ryleigh ran around in her new pink cowboy boots (given to her from Uncle Luke and Anna) and a bathrobe all day so she was happy, I will place a picture for you!

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Happy New Year!!!

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I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful New Year's eve. As you can see, some people didn't make it until midnight. :)