
Rough week

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Ben and Ryleigh have had a bit of a rough week this week. Ryleigh didn't want her momma to leave her at Miss Erica's Tuesday after we got to spend so much time together. I was off of work for almost a week for my wisdom teeth, then we had a long weekend.... It was nice to spend so much time with my baby girl and it was nice to know that she enjoyed the time as well. Ben went to the dr. Monday to find out that he had a severe respiratory infection and a severe sinus infection and was lucky that it hadn't gotten worse than that. He then went back to the dr. on Wednesday because his legs were hurting terribly and his feet would no numb or fall asleep for no reason. The dr. says he has siatica and Ben is waiting to go to the chiropractor this afternoon to see if that will help. Hopefully all will be better soon.

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