
Life in Fast Forward

Recently with everything that has been going on I feel like my life has been switched from normal play to fast forward! Let me know if I am wrong, but don't most of us spend the better part of our Jr. High and High School years praying that God would hurry and let us get out on our own. I miss that feeling. The feeling that life is in slow motion! Now things are going by so fast if I blink I may miss somthing. It seems like just yesterday that I was meeting my beautiful wife for the first time and falling in love! Nex thing you know I have a 16 month old baby girl! Next week I will be tunring 25, now to some of you I know that isn't old, but to me it is. I can remember when I thought a guy 25 was over the hill! Now I am praying for strength to get up the hill! I know I am just ranting, but that is what this is for! My sister came and visited us for a little over a week, didn't seem that long and she was gone! 25 WOW.....no big deal bring on 26!

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