

Sorry it has been so long since my last pos, but my access to a computer has been limited throughout the last month. Anyway Just an update on our lives; Marissa had her wisdom teeth removed last Friday and she is still not doing very well! She can't lift anything (including our over active Boogerbear who just can't understand why Mom won't hold her) and still hasn't made it back to work. Please pray for her and for her healing. My sister flew in from Battleground Washington Monday, and boy are her arms tired! (Just had to share a bit of my cheesy humor with you this morning) Marissa and I are planning to go to my grandparents this week to see my sister and the rest of our family! It will be a fun trip! Marissa and I are both looking forward to get our hands on some of that stromboli! Christmas went well, can't imagine how if could be any better! We got to spend Christmas day with my brother, his girlfriend, my Grandma and Jody, and my parents. Ryleigh ran around in her new pink cowboy boots (given to her from Uncle Luke and Anna) and a bathrobe all day so she was happy, I will place a picture for you!

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