
My rant about this weather!

Okay so if you live in Oklahoma and watched the news today, you saw the ice storm 2010! What makes me mad about all this is all day long News Channel 4 says that we were getting snow and there was more to come. Well Ryleigh kept hearing that we were getting snow and would run to the window and be disappointed!! Not only that, if there is anything going on in the City we are just out of luck about getting information about us. It just makes me mad! I understand that there are a lot of people in the City and I have no problem with that being there top priority, but at least give us a mention every once in a while and when you do make sure your information is right!


Pictures of 2009

I have made a slideshow of some of my favorite pictures that I have take in 2009. Tell me what you think.

If the slideshow is taking forever to load back out of the blog and then come back. Not real sure why its doing that, but this should help.


Buying some cows

Okay so the next step in my new adventure of being a "farmer" is buying a couple of cows. This should prove to be quite the experience for me, I've never been to a sale.

Anyway I still don't know if anyone looks at this blog, so if you do please leave a comment with your name on this post!

Wish me luck!

--->So I went to the sale and when I got there it was over. The owner said it was his last sale and everyone went home! So NO COWS FOR NOW!


Farmer Ben

So my father-in-law introduced me to home grown beef when I married into the family and I hate to eat anything store bought. That being said, I'm almost out of beef! So Dad and I decided that we would build a corral and buy a couple of calves to feed them out. So I went to Denny and Vickie's (my in-law's house) and helped Dad build the corral. I got to set corner posts, weld steel posts together, stretch barbed wire and even drive the tractor, when I could get Mason away from the wheel. I felt like a real farmer! I would love to have some land of my own (Marissa and I's dream). Anyway I got home tonight and feel like I have really accomplished something! Hopefully I can buy a couple of steers at the sale tomorrow!



So for my first post, after the post telling you I am back, I want to tell you about my latest quest. My brother, who runs most every day, has talked me into running the OKC marathon.

If you want to learn more about it the website is http://www.okcmarathon.com/

So anyway I am only running the half and haven't even really committed to that other than giving my brother my word, which I would like to believe is still good for something. So I started running. I ran the first time 01/14/10 and ran 3/4 of a mile before giving in to the pain. It took me 12 minutes. Last night I was bound and determined to run 1.5 miles, which I did and it took me 19 minutes so I am improving. Tonight I am going for 2 miles and would like to see is in around 23 minutes. I will let you know how that goes.

If you are asking yourself, why in the world is he doing this, well I can answer that in a few short words. The number 3 killer of cops is heart attacks. I want to do everything I can do to spend more time with my family even if that means running!


Okay so I've been reading thru some other peoples blog including my niece Chels's which is, http://chelseadartlon.wordpress.com/ (side note, she is an amazing writer and you should check her blog out and tell her I sent you) and it inspired me to write my own blog. I told Marissa about wanting to write on a blog again and she said use the one you've already got, so here it goes.

Just so you know a lot of things have changed in my life since the last time I wrote on this blog, such as kids growing up and becoming the Assistance Chief of Police at the Alva Police Department. So my post will more then likely be completely different then they were before. Oh and btw, I am a cop not an English teacher so yes there will be lots of mistakes and there is no need for you to point them out!