
Pictures of 2009

I have made a slideshow of some of my favorite pictures that I have take in 2009. Tell me what you think.

If the slideshow is taking forever to load back out of the blog and then come back. Not real sure why its doing that, but this should help.


  1. If the slideshow is taking forever to load back out of the blog and then come back. Not real sure why its doing that, but this should help.

  2. These are excellent, Bub-you're a great photographer! I'm so glad you guys have been able to visit so many wonderful places this last year. Love you!


  3. Nice pictures Ben your kids are adorable they look like their mommy.. (just kidding)
    I added your blog to my blog... so I can come back and check it out from time to time.

    Hugs Judy Lockwood
