
Tearing out our hearts

I was reading an article today and it made me sick to my stomach! The guy who wrote the article on ths website is trying to persuade people to believing that this nation was not built on the Christian Faith but on the Freedom from faith. Man can he be more wrong! Historic facts tell us that not only was this nation built of Faith, but that the Constitution was Biblically based, that is before is was misunderstood and construed by this governments elite who tiptoe around any argument that involves Religion. To say that our forefathers were not Christian is preposterous! Just look at some of the famous quotes:

It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible! --President George Washington

We have staked the future of American civilization upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God. --President James Madison

I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this book. -- President Abraham Lincoln

The Bible is the best of all books, for it is the word of God and teaches us the way to be happy in this world and in the next. Continue therefore to read it and to regulate your life by its precepts.
--John Jay - 1st Chief-Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

Education is useless without the Bible. The Bible was America�s basic text book in all fields. God�s Word, contained in the Bible, has furnished all necessary rules to direct our conduct.
--Noah Webster (1758-1843) -- "The Schoolmaster of the Nation."

We believe that all men are created equal because they are created in the image of God.
--President Harry S. Truman

A friend is one who has the same enemies you have. --Abraham Lincoln

If thou wouldst rule well, thou must rule for God, and to do that, thou must be ruled by him. Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants. --William Penn (1644-1718), founder of Pennsylvania

Just try and tell me these men were not Christians, I particularly like that first quote by George Washington!

Our nation is in trouble if the Christians don't stand up for what we believe in, it has been to long that we just sit back and let people run over us! Merry Christmas became an issue this year, it is time to stop nonsense like that!


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The simple things!

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Sometimes we are so busy we forget to thank God for the small stuff! Last weekend Marissa and Ryleigh and Bailey all went to my grandparents with my parents. IWAS HOME ALONE! I was so happy when Marissa told me they were going because I needed to catch up on some sleep and Ry makes it hard to sleep! Anyway while they were gone I started to miss the simple stuff. No Ry meeting me at the door screaming dada dada. No Marissa to give me a hug and a kiss when I get home! No Ry bringing me a book to read to her. No Marissa to cuddle up to get warm when I get home from work and go to bed. No sweet heads to kiss. No Ry or Mis to make me laugh! THANK YOU GOD FOR THE SMALL STUFF THAT I TAKE FOR GRANTED EVERYDAY!

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New Baby

As all of you probably know by now, we are expecting our second baby!!! Our due date is October 20th, just 3 days after Ryleigh's birthday. I somehow think that may not go over too well, but thankfully she's not quite old enough to realize exactly what's going on. :) I know that Ryleigh will come to love her younger sibling, but it might take a little time. She's always been fascinated with babies, as long as her momma isn't holding them. :) Give her a year or so and she will be glad she has someone to play with.


Our 2 Children

As most of you know, I have always wanted kids. I was ready right after Marissa and I got married, but Marissa wanted to wait. So instead of a baby Marissa told me I could get a dog! So we decided that we were going to go to the pound in Tulsa and adopt a dog! We head off, first to Wal-mart to get all the puppy essentials! While we were walking up to the store there were people giving away free puppies! They were 1/2 pit bull and 1/2 black lab. In the box there were 5 or 6 puppies all except one were brown with long hair. The one that wasn't brown was black with short hair and about half the size of the other pups! Of course that was the one I wanted! I carried her through Wal-mart while we bought her puppy supplies. She never made a sound, just cuddled in and loved on her new momma and daddy! I named her Bailey! Who would have known that runt would end up getting huge! Bailey is now about 65 pounds and spoiled rotten! She has to sleep in our bed, and of course under the covers! She likes to jump up in the chair with mom and sit on her lap, she thinks she is a small dog! Her best friend is a miniature weenie dog named Reggie that can't stand to be around her! Bailey and Ryleigh 90% of the time do not get along because neither like to see the other one getting attention. They do have things in common though, bailey chases her tail, and Ryleigh chases Bailey's tail. Bailey gives wet slobbery kisses, Ryleigh gives wet slobbery kisses! Never the less Bailey is our first child, and sometimes the kids do get along! YEAH IF THEY ARE BOTH ASLEEP!

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What in the world is going on here?

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The other day I had to go on a call out to the emergency room, when I go there I could hear screaming as soon as I stepped out of my car! I ran in and it was a 12 year old boy yelling at his mother! He was getting up in her face and yelling names at here that I would have never thought a 12 year old would know! Of course when I grabbed him and placed him down in a seat and told him that as long as I was in the room he would not disrespect his mother and he would not use dirty language or we would have a problem he calmed down. I told the mother that there was no reason for her to be taking that kind of abuse from her own kid. You could tell that this lady was scared of her own kid. What is this world coming to! What happened to the day when you got and trouble and your mom or dad changed the color of your rear! Since when are parents scared of children! BUST THEIR BUTTS. Teach your children fear and respect for others! Use God’s parenting example, make those kids fear you! Don't get me wrong here I am not saying beat your kids, there is a limit. But I am saying set some rules and make sure that your kid knows if he/she breaks those rules there is going to be a punishment! I have more respect for my parents now because they disciplined me when I was younger they taught me right from wrong! Parents you are the masters of those kids world! Show them love when they need love, be there when they need a friend or a shoulder to cry on, but when they break the rules a PUNISHMENT is called for. Then maybe I won't have to do the job that you didn't! Thank God for the good parents there are or I would be a lot busier at work! Tell me what you think!

Just a couple of pictures I have been working on.

Tell me what you guys think!

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My Best Friends

I received some pictures that I would like to share with everyone! This is my Neice Chels (isn't she beautiful)

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and my Nephew Aidan (he sales tickets to those gun shows)

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They are two of my best friends! They are growing up so fast! Call me sometime guys! Love you Uncle Ben


What are people thinking?

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So a couple of months ago my partner at the time and I were out patrolling when we noticed a vehicle speeding. We turned around and got behind it. We also noticed that the guy was having a hard time staying on the road. So we proceeded to pull the guy over, it took him 9 blocks to get stopped. Anyway I got up to the vehicle and it was couple of good ole boys going home from the bar. There was open bottles and cans of beer all over the front and in the bed of the truck. The driver couldn't even stand up long enough to perform the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests for me. Needless to say this guy was DRUNK. I arrested him for suspicion of DUI. I then approached the passenger and he was in pretty bad shape too, not as bad as the driver but none the less DRUNK. I arrested him for Public Intox. Now I want to tell you, I agree it is a crappy thing to have to do, arresting a guy who is just trying to get a ride home! But look at it this way, as a civilian do you want me to give this guy the keys and send him off on a prayer that he makes it home in his condition? Or would you rather, be thinking of this guy as a family member, that I leave him there and tell him good luck getting home. Who knows if he would ever get home or not! The passenger just becomes a liability arrest! I can't let them walk off because if they get hit by a car I get sued! I can't let them drive because if they kill themselves or somebody else I get sued! I can't give them a ride because if I have an accident and they get injured or killed I get sued! So that leaves me with only one option. To finish the story the driver blew a 0.22 the legal limit is 0.08 he was almost 3 times over they say that a normal person at a 0.25 or higher is unconscious, and let me remind you that the passenger was not far from that! I want to know what you guys think about this, honestly what should been done with this intoxicated passenger?


Curious George

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Ryleigh is getting into everything now days. She is very curious about everything, and she learns very fast. The other day at the babysitter's house Ryleigh heard sirens and started wanting her dada. She loves it when I put my uniform on because there are just some many things to play with. She likes to run to the fridge when you open it, just to check things out! She also loves to empty her laundry basket out just to see what’s in the bottom! Could we have had a cuter little girl!!

Getting Older Part 2

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Ben's not the only one that is getting older. Ryleigh is more grown up every day! The above picture is of her this time last year, only 3 months old!! She wasn't even old enough to sit up, now we can't get her to sit down! It's been such a blessing watching her grow and learn new things every day.


Getting Older

Ok, so last weekend Marissa and I went to Tulsa, but first we stopped by my grandparent’s house to tell my Grandpa happy birthday! I asked him about how old he was getting and he said, "91, Ben I hope you have a little of this old man's blood in you!" Meaning he is wanting me to live a long life. I got to thinking about getting older. I have been complaining lately about getting a year older when I should be praising God that I have made it through another year without losing somebody important to me, and that He has given me more time on this earth to share His good Word! Well back to my Grandpa, he says all the time that he is going to get into Heaven on Grandma's apron strings. He is not a religious person even though he believes in God and that a person should have a personal relationship with Him, but I do not believe that he has ever ask God to be his personal Savior! Please pray that my grandpa will realize that he needs to ask Christ to come into his life.

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