
What in the world is going on here?

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The other day I had to go on a call out to the emergency room, when I go there I could hear screaming as soon as I stepped out of my car! I ran in and it was a 12 year old boy yelling at his mother! He was getting up in her face and yelling names at here that I would have never thought a 12 year old would know! Of course when I grabbed him and placed him down in a seat and told him that as long as I was in the room he would not disrespect his mother and he would not use dirty language or we would have a problem he calmed down. I told the mother that there was no reason for her to be taking that kind of abuse from her own kid. You could tell that this lady was scared of her own kid. What is this world coming to! What happened to the day when you got and trouble and your mom or dad changed the color of your rear! Since when are parents scared of children! BUST THEIR BUTTS. Teach your children fear and respect for others! Use God’s parenting example, make those kids fear you! Don't get me wrong here I am not saying beat your kids, there is a limit. But I am saying set some rules and make sure that your kid knows if he/she breaks those rules there is going to be a punishment! I have more respect for my parents now because they disciplined me when I was younger they taught me right from wrong! Parents you are the masters of those kids world! Show them love when they need love, be there when they need a friend or a shoulder to cry on, but when they break the rules a PUNISHMENT is called for. Then maybe I won't have to do the job that you didn't! Thank God for the good parents there are or I would be a lot busier at work! Tell me what you think!

1 comment:

  1. The reasons that parents are scared of their children is because common sense has deserted the powers that be & if you discipline your children (even strict grounding , or heaven forbid, a swat or two) can be turned in as child abuse & their children can be taken away until you are "cleared".   I've even personally heard children as young as 7 threatening to turn their parents in if they don't give the child what they want.  Needless to say, the parent gives in & makes the child an even bigger terror.  Soon to be society's terrors. 
    Then there are those who don't want to be "mean" like their parents were.. Those are the parents who haven't realized that their parents were instilling morals. (Thank heavens you & Marissa, Boone & John have realized that we were teaching - not being cruel  -  although you didn't think so at the time)   Some current parents had  parents who were definitely abusive don't want to take the chance of being abusive themselves.   I just tried really hard not to do the things that were done to me while still teaching right from wrong.  Others don't know that they can break the "cycle" of abuse.  Or how to.
    Some parents don't know that there was anything wrong with the abuse or indifference they were raised with.  They have never seen the other side - everyone they were raised around lived the same, so they have nothing to compare with. I've seen that first hand too.
    There are also those parents out there who just don't care.  Those are the ones whose children need the most help.
