
What are people thinking?

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So a couple of months ago my partner at the time and I were out patrolling when we noticed a vehicle speeding. We turned around and got behind it. We also noticed that the guy was having a hard time staying on the road. So we proceeded to pull the guy over, it took him 9 blocks to get stopped. Anyway I got up to the vehicle and it was couple of good ole boys going home from the bar. There was open bottles and cans of beer all over the front and in the bed of the truck. The driver couldn't even stand up long enough to perform the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests for me. Needless to say this guy was DRUNK. I arrested him for suspicion of DUI. I then approached the passenger and he was in pretty bad shape too, not as bad as the driver but none the less DRUNK. I arrested him for Public Intox. Now I want to tell you, I agree it is a crappy thing to have to do, arresting a guy who is just trying to get a ride home! But look at it this way, as a civilian do you want me to give this guy the keys and send him off on a prayer that he makes it home in his condition? Or would you rather, be thinking of this guy as a family member, that I leave him there and tell him good luck getting home. Who knows if he would ever get home or not! The passenger just becomes a liability arrest! I can't let them walk off because if they get hit by a car I get sued! I can't let them drive because if they kill themselves or somebody else I get sued! I can't give them a ride because if I have an accident and they get injured or killed I get sued! So that leaves me with only one option. To finish the story the driver blew a 0.22 the legal limit is 0.08 he was almost 3 times over they say that a normal person at a 0.25 or higher is unconscious, and let me remind you that the passenger was not far from that! I want to know what you guys think about this, honestly what should been done with this intoxicated passenger?

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