
Getting Older

Ok, so last weekend Marissa and I went to Tulsa, but first we stopped by my grandparent’s house to tell my Grandpa happy birthday! I asked him about how old he was getting and he said, "91, Ben I hope you have a little of this old man's blood in you!" Meaning he is wanting me to live a long life. I got to thinking about getting older. I have been complaining lately about getting a year older when I should be praising God that I have made it through another year without losing somebody important to me, and that He has given me more time on this earth to share His good Word! Well back to my Grandpa, he says all the time that he is going to get into Heaven on Grandma's apron strings. He is not a religious person even though he believes in God and that a person should have a personal relationship with Him, but I do not believe that he has ever ask God to be his personal Savior! Please pray that my grandpa will realize that he needs to ask Christ to come into his life.

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