
Our 2 Children

As most of you know, I have always wanted kids. I was ready right after Marissa and I got married, but Marissa wanted to wait. So instead of a baby Marissa told me I could get a dog! So we decided that we were going to go to the pound in Tulsa and adopt a dog! We head off, first to Wal-mart to get all the puppy essentials! While we were walking up to the store there were people giving away free puppies! They were 1/2 pit bull and 1/2 black lab. In the box there were 5 or 6 puppies all except one were brown with long hair. The one that wasn't brown was black with short hair and about half the size of the other pups! Of course that was the one I wanted! I carried her through Wal-mart while we bought her puppy supplies. She never made a sound, just cuddled in and loved on her new momma and daddy! I named her Bailey! Who would have known that runt would end up getting huge! Bailey is now about 65 pounds and spoiled rotten! She has to sleep in our bed, and of course under the covers! She likes to jump up in the chair with mom and sit on her lap, she thinks she is a small dog! Her best friend is a miniature weenie dog named Reggie that can't stand to be around her! Bailey and Ryleigh 90% of the time do not get along because neither like to see the other one getting attention. They do have things in common though, bailey chases her tail, and Ryleigh chases Bailey's tail. Bailey gives wet slobbery kisses, Ryleigh gives wet slobbery kisses! Never the less Bailey is our first child, and sometimes the kids do get along! YEAH IF THEY ARE BOTH ASLEEP!

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