
A night out with a lady bug!

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Today is Halloween and kids are going to dress up like scary mummies, wicked witches, ugly ghouls, and horrific monsters, but my beautiful daughter is going to be a precious ladybug. She is old enough to trick or treat even though she isn’t old enough to say it. She loves candy, but can’t eat much. Marissa and I love our little lady bug!



This weekend while at work I got into an argument with a teenager about Marihuana. He wanted to know what was wrong with smoking a little pot. Well first of all and most important, IT IS ILLEGAL! Now I know that not everybody abides by the law, I mean I speed every once in awhile myself, but I do try to be a law abiding citizen! When did law enforcement become the enemy? I mean we are just doing our jobs and doing it the best we can! I chose to write on this for one reason, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” I know that people want to believe in something! I know that people are looking for heroes, why else would we be paying our professional athletes so much money! Why not look towards God. He can fill that empty spot in your heart! We feel like we are always searching for something, because we are! God made us and we long to know our Creator. What would the United States be like if we all treated our bodies like they were a temple of God. I can only imagine! They would be no need for my profession!



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Today, be aware of how you are spending your 1,440 beautiful moments, and spend them wisely.
-- Source Unknown


Count Your Blessings

I was sitting here at work about to send a card to a lady who's husband had past away recently when the song "Count Your Blessings" popped into my head. It's a song that you sing over and over in church, but I never really stopped to think about it. We should be thankful for the things that we do have, but they are often forgotten and we have a tendency to remember the bad things or the things that we don't have. I'll take myself for example. Today is Ryleigh's birthday, instead of being sad that an entire year has already gone by and my baby is growing up, I should be thankful for the wonderful 12 months that God has given me with my amazing daughter! She is truely a blessing. So, think about the song, and if you aren't familiar with it, look the lyrics up and think about it while you are reading them. Count your blessings, one by one!!!!!!


My Baby's Momma

I would like to take a little time to tell you about my wife, Marissa. Marissa is such a caring person, she loves to give (of course she also loves to recieve, especially if it has a diamond). Anyway, I love to watch her with our daughter, she is a great mother! She teaches me new things everyday. She is the one person who helped me understand unconditional love. I have done many things wrong, but she forgives me and prays for me, and we start anew. Sometimes I wonder if I could ever tell her that I love her enough and then she does things that let me know that she knows! I want to tell you about the first time I saw my wife, it was after I had come to college. In high school, I dated a lot of girls. One of which I had become very close to, there was even talk of marriage right after high school. Well to make a long story short, she broke my heart. I dated a few people after her, but being with them never felt right. So I gave my "dating life" to God. I told God that I would quit looking and let Him take over my dating life. I had already given Him everything else, why not this too! I didn't date for almost 2 years, which was very hard for me, because I like the attention of the opposite sex! Anyway, I was at the BSU (Baptist Student Union) aka Baptist Collegiate Ministries at other colleges, (Side note if any of you are in college and looking for a place to hang out with great Christian people your own age, CHECK OUT the BCM) with my brother. Two girls walked in and one of them instantly caught my eye! A blonde haired, dark eyed angel!!! I couldn't take my eyes off her. I asked my brother who she was and he told me the wrong name. Anyway, I told him at that point I don't know who she is but I am going to marry her! Now she is my loving, caring wife and the compassionate mother of my daughter. Doesn't God work in mysterious ways?!


One Year Ago Today

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There is a baby site that I go to quite often and there are dozens of message boards, I belong to one that is just for parents that have babies born in October 2004. That way you can talk to all kinds of people that have babies the same age as your own. One of the threads was titled "One Year Ago Today" and you were supposed to post what you were doing one year ago today. Many of them posted about going in for a scheduled c-section or induction (both are quite popular these days) or the first few days home with their new baby. One year ago today was my due date, I was still working and waiting, obviously nothing came, I was still waiting the day after when I went to the doctor, and the day after that when I went back to the doctor. Finally, 4 days after my due date, Ryleigh finally decided to come (shows the Orcutt side right there, LOL).


Mom and Dad

I mentioned my Dad in one of my other posts, today I would like to tell you a little bit about my parents. I will start with my Dad. My Dad was a rough, tough man that owns his own business and has been doing REAL physical labor (working with his hands) for his entire life. I really look up to my Dad, and hope that some point in my life I can be even half the man he is! Growing up I can remember my Dad working hard all day, gone before sun-rise and home after sun-set, but he could still make it home to read my brother and I a few chapters out of whatever book we had chosen for him to read. Most of the time it was Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn. He would come into our rooms and we would sit up and listen to him read. The thought never crossed our minds that he had been working all day and he had not had supper yet, but he would still spend time with us first. I remember one summer when my brother and I were little, we had been fighting out back (Luke I think this might be the time you threw the brick at me) and Mom caught us. Previous to this, Mom had busted my brother and he turned and laughed at her, so from then on out we got the “GO TO YOUR ROOM AND WAIT FOR YOUR FATHER TO GET HOME!” Well this time Luke and I went to our room, of course not talking to each other and waited in silence on our beds. I was watching, well probably glaring at Luke, because this was not the first time I was in trouble and it was his fault. All of the sudden like watching a light come on, Luke got an idea, so without saying a word he gets up off his bed strips down to his tighty-whities and started putting more underwear on over the top of his used pair. I told him it would not work, mostly because I was jealous that I hadn’t thought of it. Anyway a little later Dad comes in and gets me and takes me to the other room, and without even asking my side of the story, because Mom was the Judge and Jury and Dad was the executioner, tells me to lean over the bed and he busted me. He then told me to go back to my room and tell Luke to come in, so with tears in my eyes I did just that. I can remember sitting on my bed listening to Luke beg and plead, then I hear the swat, and Luke’s cries. I kinda laughed inside and thought that he got it worse then me! Then Luke walks back into the room by himself, as soon as he gets into the room and pulls the door shut his cries became a VERY BIG SMILE. Moral of the story kids, put on your clean undies no matter what the situation. Once I was in High School, my Dad and Mom both went to every event that I was in, no matter how big or small it was. They would take time to come to basketball games 2 or 3 nights a week. Mom would always have plenty of food ready after the games, because she knew that our house was always full of boys after the games. My Mom is great about that. Now let me switch gears and tell you about my Mom. Remember my story, my Mom was not too weak to bust us, on the contrary, her bustins often hurt worse then Dad’s, but I think it broke Mom’s heart every time her boys were in trouble and even worse when she had to spank us. My Mom is one of the most loving women I know, she would give you her last dollar if it meant you were happy! I love you Mom and Dad, thank you for everything!


What God has instore

Yesterday I was in conversation with one of my really good friends, who just happens to also be my cousin. Before I go on let me tell you about her. She is about 5 years younger than I am and she grew up with four boys around. My brother is a year younger than I am, her 2 brothers (one of which is my age and the other is 2 years older than I am) and myself. I look back on it, and it must have really been a challege for her, having that many boys to protect her and pick on her. I hope she knows that we only did it because we love her! Anyway, while I was talking to her she was telling me about a job interview that she recently had to turn down so she could finish school. It sounded like it was her perfect job, and one that I know without a doubt she would be perfect for. She was kind of torn up about it. Let me get to the point, it seems that our human nature is always wanting us to jump the gun on God's plan, we are very impatient people. Especially in today's society, look at everything around us, fast food, quick stops, drive thru coffee houses, whatever happened to enjoying a cup of coffee? Everytihng around us is in and out business. But God has a plan for our lives, and if we wait on Him and not try to make our own plans then He will surely bless us 100 times over what we couldn't even imagine! The scripture tells us in James 5: 10 & 11 "Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." Can you imagine the kind of patience that Job had with God throughout all of his sufferings? God please today give me Job's patience and Your love!


All About Me

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I am a Police Officer with the Alva Police Department, and I love my job. Lots of people ask me, "why a cop?" They go on to explain, there are a million other jobs out there that pay more, have better hours, and are a lot less dangerous. So here is my explaination, my father Woody taught me when I was young do to the work that I love to do and I wouldn't feel like I was working my entire life! Excelent advice Dad (thank you). I know that I am under paid, and that I take a risk every night I put on that badge, but I love to go to work. How many people can actually say that? Not many, I don't know that statistics, but I am sure 90% or more of the population hate going to their job! So my advice to people is try out jobs, if you don't like it don't get stuck there! Pray about it, God answers prayers! He answers mine, Law Enforcement wasn't even an option when I came to College! Not only do you have to pray about it, you just have to put faith in the fact that God will deliver! God has provided for me and my beautiful wife so many times that I couldn't even begin to keep count! Even working in an occupation that pays next to nothing!

First Post

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Ok guys this is my first post, and let me just tell you that I am not an English major! I am terrible at spelling and grammar so don't expect my English to be perfect. I will try, but I won't make any promises!

Ok, I will explain the title of the blog.....boogerbear. From the day my baby was born, October 17th 2004, I have been calling her booger or boogerbear. Now I know that she is going to hate me later in life, but what doesn't kill her will only make her stronger!!