
What God has instore

Yesterday I was in conversation with one of my really good friends, who just happens to also be my cousin. Before I go on let me tell you about her. She is about 5 years younger than I am and she grew up with four boys around. My brother is a year younger than I am, her 2 brothers (one of which is my age and the other is 2 years older than I am) and myself. I look back on it, and it must have really been a challege for her, having that many boys to protect her and pick on her. I hope she knows that we only did it because we love her! Anyway, while I was talking to her she was telling me about a job interview that she recently had to turn down so she could finish school. It sounded like it was her perfect job, and one that I know without a doubt she would be perfect for. She was kind of torn up about it. Let me get to the point, it seems that our human nature is always wanting us to jump the gun on God's plan, we are very impatient people. Especially in today's society, look at everything around us, fast food, quick stops, drive thru coffee houses, whatever happened to enjoying a cup of coffee? Everytihng around us is in and out business. But God has a plan for our lives, and if we wait on Him and not try to make our own plans then He will surely bless us 100 times over what we couldn't even imagine! The scripture tells us in James 5: 10 & 11 "Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." Can you imagine the kind of patience that Job had with God throughout all of his sufferings? God please today give me Job's patience and Your love!

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