
One Year Ago Today

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There is a baby site that I go to quite often and there are dozens of message boards, I belong to one that is just for parents that have babies born in October 2004. That way you can talk to all kinds of people that have babies the same age as your own. One of the threads was titled "One Year Ago Today" and you were supposed to post what you were doing one year ago today. Many of them posted about going in for a scheduled c-section or induction (both are quite popular these days) or the first few days home with their new baby. One year ago today was my due date, I was still working and waiting, obviously nothing came, I was still waiting the day after when I went to the doctor, and the day after that when I went back to the doctor. Finally, 4 days after my due date, Ryleigh finally decided to come (shows the Orcutt side right there, LOL).

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