
My Baby's Momma

I would like to take a little time to tell you about my wife, Marissa. Marissa is such a caring person, she loves to give (of course she also loves to recieve, especially if it has a diamond). Anyway, I love to watch her with our daughter, she is a great mother! She teaches me new things everyday. She is the one person who helped me understand unconditional love. I have done many things wrong, but she forgives me and prays for me, and we start anew. Sometimes I wonder if I could ever tell her that I love her enough and then she does things that let me know that she knows! I want to tell you about the first time I saw my wife, it was after I had come to college. In high school, I dated a lot of girls. One of which I had become very close to, there was even talk of marriage right after high school. Well to make a long story short, she broke my heart. I dated a few people after her, but being with them never felt right. So I gave my "dating life" to God. I told God that I would quit looking and let Him take over my dating life. I had already given Him everything else, why not this too! I didn't date for almost 2 years, which was very hard for me, because I like the attention of the opposite sex! Anyway, I was at the BSU (Baptist Student Union) aka Baptist Collegiate Ministries at other colleges, (Side note if any of you are in college and looking for a place to hang out with great Christian people your own age, CHECK OUT the BCM) with my brother. Two girls walked in and one of them instantly caught my eye! A blonde haired, dark eyed angel!!! I couldn't take my eyes off her. I asked my brother who she was and he told me the wrong name. Anyway, I told him at that point I don't know who she is but I am going to marry her! Now she is my loving, caring wife and the compassionate mother of my daughter. Doesn't God work in mysterious ways?!

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