
The Ending of T-Day

Well ok so how was everybody's Thanksgiving? Mine was good! Marissa and I spent lots of time with family and ate lots of turkey, among lots of other things. Marissa did some shopping, but I will let her tell you about that. I did some hunting and found out that my brother and I are not good deer hunters. I am ADHD and can't sit in one place for very long! But it was good to spend time with my brother, lots of things are said even when you're not saying anything! Well let me know how your T-days went!


Happy Birthday

Well today is a very special day for my sister! Happy Birthday Sis!!!! How old are you today Sis, 24 or 25?


Where has time gone?

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Where has time gone? It seems like just the other day I was sitting on the floor wrapped in my dinasuar blanket watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on saturday morning, ok so I did that last saturday too! :) I will be 25 this year! I have a beautiful wife and a darling daughter. Man time flies! I can remember sitting in my room praying each night that God would make time hurry along so that I could get out of school go to college and start a family. MAN WATCH WHAT YOU PRAY FOR! Well instead of gripping about how old I am getting I thought that I would tell you some of the things that I am thankful for! First of all I am thankful for a God who interacts with me everyday. who has given me so much in my life. I am thankful for my wonderful wife who dispite all my many flaws still loves me unconditionally. I am thankful for my little girl who teaches me how to stay young everyday! I am thankful for the health that God has given my family and I. I am thankful for the friends that my wife and I have at work. I am thankful for so much more, I would type all day! what are some of the things you are thankful for?



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I knew that having a kid would change my life, but I never thought it would change things this much! Ryleigh for some reason has been not sleeping very well. She has been waking up around 3:30 am ready to play. Of course at 3:30 or 4 I have only been home from work for about an hour so most of the time I have just gotten to sleep. But anyway, the other morning mom had just about had enough so she just brought Ryleigh back to our bed. I woke up enough to know that she was in there, but quickly went back to sleep. I little later I woke up feeling like I was getting stabbed in the back, come to find out it was just Ryleigh's toe nails and cold feet on my back. I rolled over and told her that hurts dad, so she sat up leaned over gave me a kiss laid her head on my chest and played with my hair like she was saying sorry now go back to sleep! She is such a smarty pants!


Health Foods

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With the Holidays rapidly approaching everyone is thinking about how to eat healthy, while I am thinking what can I do to be able to eat one more turkey dinner this year! As some of you know, this year I was going to completely miss having a T-day bird, because I have to work (somebody has to be on the streets slowing down those frantic mothers who forgot to buy the cranberry sauce). Then my beautiful, loving wife decides to invite our families to our house the day before T-day and she is going to cook me a bird! THANK YOU! I am all for eating healthy, even though I hardly ever practice it, but holidays are meant for pigging out and loosening that belt. For those of you who know me, know that I eat well most of the time, but I jump at the chance to overindulge! I love the holiday meals! I love preparing the candies and the chex mix, as a family of course. Anyway for those of you who are health nuts be happy this Thanksgiving, go back for seconds! I will leave you with a quote that I just love!

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
Mark Twain

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My Niece

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OK, this has been on my mind lately, oh about 13 years ago my sister had her first child Chelsea.......I believe I was in the 6th grade. Dad came and got my brother and I and we took off to Alva. I will never forget the joy mixed with fear on my father's face. When we got there, there was lots of waiting around, but when the time finally came I was the proudest Uncle Ben in the entire world! I remember holding you just minutes old Chels. If you haven't noticed Chels this one is just for you! At that time you were the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen! My eyes filled with tears, and of course because I had a tough image to up hold I fought the tears away. Chels I want you to know that we think that you are still very beautiful and you are going to drive the guys crazy! (of course I don't want to hear about it because you will always be a little girl to me) From the time you were born Chels I have prayed for you. You are very talented and have lots of emotions to share with the world! You just remember when you become famous that there are still those of us back home who changed your stinky diapers (at least it wasn't in my truck and got all over my seat like your brother!)

My Nephew

Now it is your turn A. Of course I can remember the day you were born too. What I remember most though is every afternoon the year after I graduated. I don't know if you remember, but I attended Vo-Tech and after class was over i would go to your house for lunch while I waited to go to work at the computer store at 1. We played every day! I ate lunch with you everyday! I miss getting to see you everyday! You got mad at me some days because you got tired of your old Uncle Ben, but I never got tired of seeing you! You are going to have to come stay with me sometime! I will even give you Bailey's spot on the floor for you to sleep on! Anyway I won't get all mushy with you I know you have a tough guy image that you have to look out for! Anyway to both of you guys, we miss you and love you and can't wait to see you over your spring break!



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Now I know there are some cops out there that don't handle things in a very good way, but that does NOT mean that we are ALL bad guys. I had a couple of experiences last week that have just really got me thinking. Let me tell you about them. First of all I pulled over a vehicle for speeding, the person in the vehicle happened to be a fairly wealthy man from here. Before I could even get to his window he was yelling at me about how this was his town and he didn't get stopped in his town. I proceeded to make threats about calling a local judge that was his friend and that he was going to turn me into my Chief because what I was doing was illegal. To that I responded, "My name is Ben Orcutt my badge number is 58 and my Chief of Police is............and he is there everyday during the week, would you like the phone number?" He didn't like the fact that his threats didn't scare me. Then he began to tell me that this is his town and I was not going to write him a ticket in his town. To which I walked back to my car and wrote him a ticket! When I walked back to his window to ask him to sign the ticket he began to call me every name in the book in front of his 2 children one of which was laying in the backseat without a seatbelt on, and is only 7 years old. I was praying that he would refuse to sign the ticket so could drag him out of that car and calmly escort him to the county jail. But he signed, but not before telling me how big of a di%& I was. WHERE IS THE RESPECT! What I didn't tell him was a week before a caught a truck going the same speed in the same spot and he was to drunk to walk let alone drive! See there i could have saved a life by stopping a person for the exact same reason I stopped him. Will i do it again, you bet with no second thoughts! The next night while another officer and I were patrolling at 3am we saw a guy walking behind a Church, strange place for a guy to be at 3 in the morning, so we stopped to talk to him. After talking to him for a minute we could tell that he was very intoxicated! He told us that he would rather walk then drive, pretty smart drunk! Anyway I told him that if he wanted to get in I would take him home, to which he repsonded, I don't want to be arrested. I told him I said a ride home not to jail! Would a cop really try this tactic, I'm sure there are some, I just don't know any. Well anyway I thought this picture would go good with the theme of the post. Tell me what you guys think about this.

Too Cute Prints

I came across this webpage the other day and I thought that I would share it with all of you!


They can handle all your card needs! oh by the way it just happens to be my Wife and one of our good friends! They are awesome at card design! Also a shoutout to my sister who made the site, so if you like it and need one of your owe contact her at:
