
Where has time gone?

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Where has time gone? It seems like just the other day I was sitting on the floor wrapped in my dinasuar blanket watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on saturday morning, ok so I did that last saturday too! :) I will be 25 this year! I have a beautiful wife and a darling daughter. Man time flies! I can remember sitting in my room praying each night that God would make time hurry along so that I could get out of school go to college and start a family. MAN WATCH WHAT YOU PRAY FOR! Well instead of gripping about how old I am getting I thought that I would tell you some of the things that I am thankful for! First of all I am thankful for a God who interacts with me everyday. who has given me so much in my life. I am thankful for my wonderful wife who dispite all my many flaws still loves me unconditionally. I am thankful for my little girl who teaches me how to stay young everyday! I am thankful for the health that God has given my family and I. I am thankful for the friends that my wife and I have at work. I am thankful for so much more, I would type all day! what are some of the things you are thankful for?

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