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Now I know there are some cops out there that don't handle things in a very good way, but that does NOT mean that we are ALL bad guys. I had a couple of experiences last week that have just really got me thinking. Let me tell you about them. First of all I pulled over a vehicle for speeding, the person in the vehicle happened to be a fairly wealthy man from here. Before I could even get to his window he was yelling at me about how this was his town and he didn't get stopped in his town. I proceeded to make threats about calling a local judge that was his friend and that he was going to turn me into my Chief because what I was doing was illegal. To that I responded, "My name is Ben Orcutt my badge number is 58 and my Chief of Police is............and he is there everyday during the week, would you like the phone number?" He didn't like the fact that his threats didn't scare me. Then he began to tell me that this is his town and I was not going to write him a ticket in his town. To which I walked back to my car and wrote him a ticket! When I walked back to his window to ask him to sign the ticket he began to call me every name in the book in front of his 2 children one of which was laying in the backseat without a seatbelt on, and is only 7 years old. I was praying that he would refuse to sign the ticket so could drag him out of that car and calmly escort him to the county jail. But he signed, but not before telling me how big of a di%& I was. WHERE IS THE RESPECT! What I didn't tell him was a week before a caught a truck going the same speed in the same spot and he was to drunk to walk let alone drive! See there i could have saved a life by stopping a person for the exact same reason I stopped him. Will i do it again, you bet with no second thoughts! The next night while another officer and I were patrolling at 3am we saw a guy walking behind a Church, strange place for a guy to be at 3 in the morning, so we stopped to talk to him. After talking to him for a minute we could tell that he was very intoxicated! He told us that he would rather walk then drive, pretty smart drunk! Anyway I told him that if he wanted to get in I would take him home, to which he repsonded, I don't want to be arrested. I told him I said a ride home not to jail! Would a cop really try this tactic, I'm sure there are some, I just don't know any. Well anyway I thought this picture would go good with the theme of the post. Tell me what you guys think about this.

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