
My Nephew

Now it is your turn A. Of course I can remember the day you were born too. What I remember most though is every afternoon the year after I graduated. I don't know if you remember, but I attended Vo-Tech and after class was over i would go to your house for lunch while I waited to go to work at the computer store at 1. We played every day! I ate lunch with you everyday! I miss getting to see you everyday! You got mad at me some days because you got tired of your old Uncle Ben, but I never got tired of seeing you! You are going to have to come stay with me sometime! I will even give you Bailey's spot on the floor for you to sleep on! Anyway I won't get all mushy with you I know you have a tough guy image that you have to look out for! Anyway to both of you guys, we miss you and love you and can't wait to see you over your spring break!

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