
My Niece

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OK, this has been on my mind lately, oh about 13 years ago my sister had her first child Chelsea.......I believe I was in the 6th grade. Dad came and got my brother and I and we took off to Alva. I will never forget the joy mixed with fear on my father's face. When we got there, there was lots of waiting around, but when the time finally came I was the proudest Uncle Ben in the entire world! I remember holding you just minutes old Chels. If you haven't noticed Chels this one is just for you! At that time you were the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen! My eyes filled with tears, and of course because I had a tough image to up hold I fought the tears away. Chels I want you to know that we think that you are still very beautiful and you are going to drive the guys crazy! (of course I don't want to hear about it because you will always be a little girl to me) From the time you were born Chels I have prayed for you. You are very talented and have lots of emotions to share with the world! You just remember when you become famous that there are still those of us back home who changed your stinky diapers (at least it wasn't in my truck and got all over my seat like your brother!)

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