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I knew that having a kid would change my life, but I never thought it would change things this much! Ryleigh for some reason has been not sleeping very well. She has been waking up around 3:30 am ready to play. Of course at 3:30 or 4 I have only been home from work for about an hour so most of the time I have just gotten to sleep. But anyway, the other morning mom had just about had enough so she just brought Ryleigh back to our bed. I woke up enough to know that she was in there, but quickly went back to sleep. I little later I woke up feeling like I was getting stabbed in the back, come to find out it was just Ryleigh's toe nails and cold feet on my back. I rolled over and told her that hurts dad, so she sat up leaned over gave me a kiss laid her head on my chest and played with my hair like she was saying sorry now go back to sleep! She is such a smarty pants!

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